New Solo Show

Birch Tree Gallery,

Dundas Street,


Jan 2025

Solo Exhibitions

Amongst Thin Places
Resipole Studios
Acharacle, Argyll,
Scotland. PH36 4HX                                                                                    19 May – 21 June, 2024

An Inner Place
Clashnettie Arts Centre
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
9 June – 16 June, 2023

Gallery Heinzel
Aberdeen, Scotland
September 2021

Tolquhon Gallery
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Spring 2020

Group Exhibitions

Royal Watercolour Society
Bankside, London
Jan 2024

Ship of Fools Gallery,                                                                           Kirkwall, Orkney                                                                                              Dec 2023, May 2024

The Royal Scottish Society of Painters in Watercolour: RSW 
Edinburgh, Scotland
Jan-Feb 2023

Tolquhon Gallery 
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
From 2020

Gallery Heinzel 
Aberdeen, Scotland
From 2021

Resipole Studios 
Argyll, Scotland
From 2021